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2025 Camp Fierce to be hosted in Tahlequah, fire chief gives end-of-year report to Council

The Tahlequah City Council, during a Feb. 3 meeting, gave its nod that the 2025 Camp Fierce event will be hosted in Tahlequah this October after a successful year in 2024.

Firefighter Angie Retzloff, who was involved in last year's event, thanked the board for allowing it to be hosted in Tahlequah.

"It was the first time that they've hosted it anywhere else outside of Tulsa, so that was a really big deal and we also blew them out of the water," she said. "The support that our community and the involvement that our community had with it, they were all blown away."

The camp, which is hosted by the Tulsa Metro Women on Fire, is geared toward young women getting a glimpse on how first responders work together to protect communities and respond during emergency situations.

"I think for our town, for the people - it's 16 [years of age] and up so it could be a girl that's interested in this or it could be a wife, or a daughter, or a sister, or a girlfriend or someone that is related to a firefighter that just want's to know what is it that we do," Retzloff said. "It's open to any of these females that want to come out and try it out [and it] gives them a more in-depth, more knowledge of what it is that we actually are doing."

The 2025 Camp Fierce is slated for Oct. 10 through Oct. 12 at the Chief Bob Adrian Regional Fire training center.

The board gave its nod to authorize Mayor Suzanne Myers to negotiate and enter into an amended agreement between the city and the Tahlequah Sports League.

City Administrator Taylor Tannehill said there was no intent for a final approval during Monday's meeting and the agenda item could come back to the Council at a later date.

"Our current contract, functionally, there's no money that changes things. The city doesn't pay TSL and TSL doesn't pay us. There's some language in the current contract where there's a charge of $5 per game at the ballfields but there's some additional language that in lieu of the payment, that it's invested back into the fields when that's authorized by the Council to select that happens," Tannehill said.

The current proposal includes a $25,000 contribution to TSL to offset some lost revenues with advertisement and it also proposes that the city runs the concession stands.

"Any profit made at those concession stands during TSL league play or tournament play would be transmitted to TSL. The third overarching thought is the city would take responsibility for maintaining the fields," he said.

The last proposal is that TSL would retain the current gate they have for all tournament and league play.

"The thought process is to attempt to make TSL whole through potential loss revenues while also adding a little bit more responsibility on the city," Tannehill said.

Anthis-Brennan Park Coordinator Clay Davis added that this was a plan they thought was "fair" to keep TSL whole and protect the city.

Ward 3 Councilor Stephen Highers asked if TSL and the city were in the middle of contract negotiations and Tannehill said there were still details that needed to be worked out.

"Particularly the way we were if we were to pay TSL under this, what time frame. Are we responsible for reviewing the profit sheets on the concessions and then cutting a check to TSL," Tannehill said. "Additionally with the $25,000, is it a lump sum up front or is it over the fiscal year. That's something we have not had a chance to really hash out. I just really wanted to give you guys an idea of what the scope of the discussions have been and if there's support for this direction."

Highers added there are additional considerations from TSL's point of view after the Council received an email.

"I think as part of the negotiations, we need to go to the table and to see where we can come to a compromise there or if there is room to negotiate," Highers said.

Highers made the motion while Ward 4 Councilor Josh Allen seconded.

Council approved authorizing Myers to accept beneficial interest in the Cherokee County 911 Authority. City Attorney John Tyler Hammons this was a "housekeeping" item.

"For years, the city and county and various other public safety agencies in Cheorkee County have worked together on the Cherokee County 911 Authority. By accepting beneficial interest, we become a co-beneficiary of the trust together with Cherokee County. With that what it allows the city to do is two things; allows any sitting city official to serve on the 911 board as has been the past practice and also allows the city to make appropriations of our resources in support of 911," Hammons said.

No action was taken when the Council discussed an ordinance establishing the 2025 Street Improvement Sales Tax, which would assess and levy an excise tax of .05 percent between Jan. 1, 2026 through Dec. 31, 2030.

"It's an extension of our .5 cent sales tax for streets and sidewalks and I want to repeat that; it's not an additional tax. It's an extension of our existing tax so there is no increased taxes on our sales tax if this were to pass," Tannehill said.

The .5 cent sales tax has been used on the street and sidewalk projects along College Avenue, Fox Street, Water Avenue, Bliss Avenue, Campbell Road, Ross Street, Allen Road, Jones Road, Pendleton Street since 2020.

"We were also able to use this sales tax to upgrade the street traffic signals on [Downing Street and Cedar Avenue and Water Avenue]. Additionally with the tax, we are able to leverage these funds to make them go further so we've got a couple of sidewalk grants that we've been able to be very competative with. The Business and Technology Park, we're getting all those improvements out there, [those] are getting paid back 100 percent," Tannehill said.

A special-call Council meeting will likely to be held to approve or deny a resolution and to organize a special election that would take place May 13, 2025 for the proposed 2025 Street Improvement Sales Tax ordinance.

In other business, Fire Chief Casey Baker presented the board with the 2024 report for the Fire Department. Baker said 2024 was a year of dedication, resilience, and progress as they continue to serve and protect Tahlequah.

"This year we responded to 582 emergency calls including 211 fire-related incidents, 562 medical emergencies and other service calls. We conducted 363 inspections, educated thousands of residents and students through fire-safety programs, and engaged in multiple community events," Baker said.

Additionally, firefighters competed over 3,000 hours of continued training, enhancing their skills in fire suppression, rescue operations, and emergency medical response. The department has hosted or taught over 12 classes, including the Firefighter 1 Academy and the Firefighter 2 Academy.

They've added and upgraded their Self-Contained Breathing Apparatuses (SCBA), their cascade system, and radio systems. With the brand new ladder truck that was purchased with the help of the Cherokee Nation, Baker said it will help better serve Tahlequah for the next 25-plus years.

"We welcomed four new firefighters, promoted key-leadership roles and strengthened our team's effectiveness," he said.

Baker said they are working on a new, updated central station for further training enhancements, equip modernization, and community engagement programs.

"I want to express my gratitude to the mayor, Council, and community for your continued support. The dedication of our firefighters ensures that we remain prepared and committed to protecting lives, property, and enhancing community safety," Baker said.

Firefighter Jimmy Fort was recognized for his 20 years of service within the Tahlequah Fire Department.

What's next

The next Tahlequah City Council meeting is Monday, March 3, at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.


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